Construction Administration Stage
This stage includes the administration of the building contract, its execution and regular site visits to ensure that the progress of the construction process is properly monitored.
A contract is a vital document as it is a legally-binding commitment between the builder and the client to deliver the project. The Architect administers this contract impartially between both parties (client and contractor). The Architect monitors the execution of the contract in accordance with the scope of the works and the conditions of contract governing it.
The authority to issue instructions is central to the control and management of the contract. Typically this authority rests with the Architect, who retains the sole right to instruct the contractor in terms of the contract works.
Site visits are an integral part of construction monitoring and are undertaken at periodic intervals appropriate to the stage of construction.
The purpose of site visits is primarily to check the progress of the works and the quality of materials and workmanship on site. Site visits are also important for checking that the construction conforms to the planning permission and current Building Regulations.