You’ve asked, and we’ve answered.

We’ve received so many requests for consultations from dreamers, homeowners, and prospective buyers that we’ve now created a dedicated page on our website for this purpose!

Discover our consultation services here.

  • Pre-Purchase Consultation – Considering buying a house? Get the eyes of an expert to evaluate its potential and uncover hidden gems or potential pitfalls.
  • Design Review – This service provides an honest expert second opinion about a design that may have been drawn by you, a builder or another designer. We’ll review your drawings, point out areas of concern, and provide suggestions for how to improve the design.
  • Advice On Planning Issues – Navigating the complexities of Planning Regulations can be a daunting task. This consultation is designed to provide you with expert guidance and solutions.
  • Pre-Design Advice – This consultation offers expert guidance to set a strong foundation for your project. It provides a site assessment, idea exploration, possible planning constraints, discussion on sustainability and energy efficiency considerations, budget planning, etc.
  • Advice On Building Regulations – Understanding the intricacies of Building Regulations can be challenging; this consultation aims to provide expert insights and effective strategies in this domain.
  • Advice On Conservation Issues – Applies to historic/old buildings and protected structures. It offers expert advice on best conservation practices and techniques topreserve your heritage assets.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
