Planning Permission Stage
During this stage the plans and particulars that are necessary to enable the planning authority to make a decision are produced and submitted to the local authority.
Unless a project falls within the scope of exempted development all building projects must have Planning permission. Planning permission is the responsibility of the local authority planning department.
Generally, the local planning authority must make a decision on a planning application within 8 weeks of receiving the application, but if the local authority needs more information, or the decision is appealed, it may take much longer. If the planning authority seeks further information from the applicant (which it should do within the first 8 weeks) then has 4 weeks from the day the further information is received to make a decision on the application.
If the local authority decides to give you planning permission, you will get a notice of intention to grant planning permission. If no one appeals the decision to An Bord Pleanála within 4 weeks of the date of this decision, you will get grant of permission from the local authority.
Planning permission normally lasts for five years. You may be required to make a financial contribution towards the construction of any road, water supply or sewerage that may be necessary.
If the local authority refuses your application, it will give you the reasons for this. You have 4 weeks from the date of this decision to appeal to An Bord Pleanála.