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Meet an Architect – Help the Homeless

RIAI Simon Open Door is a partnership between the Simon Communities of Ireland and the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI). 

The Simon Communities of Ireland work with people who experience homelessness and housing exclusion in Ireland.

We are delighted to announce our participation in this important campaign for the 10th year in a row.

The RIAI Simon Open Door initiative has been a permanent fixture in the calendar of the RIAI and it has been decided to maintain that as the Simon Communities are now dealing with the severe implications of COVID-19 to their services across the country.

COVID-19 poses very serious challenges to people who are homeless or living in homeless services, and Simon Communities need your support to ensure they provide the strongest possible service during this crisis.

The RIAI and the Simon Communities feel it is important that we continue the campaign, but in an online format in 2020.

Anyone hoping to build, renovate or extend their home/office/shop may be interested in this initiative. Isabel Barros Architects in Wexford will offer an hour long consultation in return for a donation of €95 to charity. This generous donation of time and expertise will help fund Simon’s work assisting people to move on from the crisis of homelessness, to independent living in quality accommodation. All of the money raised goes towards the work of the Simon Communities of Ireland

You can sign up for an appointment with Isabel Barros Architects between Tuesday 5 May 2020 and Friday 15 May 2020, just log in at

Read Testimonials about the Simon Open Door.

Receive an Hour-Long Consultation With an Architect

The RIAI and the Simon Communities of Ireland have again joined forces for the 15th annual fundraising initiative “Simon Open Door”.

We are delighted to announce our participation in this important campaign for the 10th year in a row. Every year we happily dedicate our time and professional expertise to support the Simon Communities of Ireland. All funds raised go directly to the Simon Communities to support their work in tackling homelessness.

The Simon Communities throughout Ireland provide the best possible care, accommodation and support for people experiencing homelessness and those at risk. Together, with people who are homeless, Simon tackles the root causes, promotes innovative responses and urges the government to fulfil their commitments. 

Simon delivers support and service to over 11,000 individuals and families who experience – or are at risk of – homelessness on an annual basis. 

Anyone hoping to build, renovate or extend their home, office or shop in Wexford may be interested in this initiative. Isabel Barros Architects will offer an hour long consultation in return for a donation of €95 to charity. All of the money raised goes towards the work of the Simon Communities of Ireland.

You can sign up for an appointment with Isabel Barros Architects in Wexford on Saturday 11th May, just log in at

Read Testimonials about the Simon Open Door.

Read What Really Happened During Simon Open Door Weekend.

Get Architects’ Advice in Return for Donation to Help Homeless People


This year will be the 9th year that Isabel gives her time for free to the Simon Communities of Ireland.

The Simon Communities of Ireland work with people who experience homelessness and housing exclusion in Ireland. Simon has a vision of society where no one is homeless. All people who are homeless, or at risk of facing homelessness, are given every opportunity to realise their potential to live fulfilled lives in appropriate homes of their own.

The annual RIAI Simon Open Door event takes place May 14th to 20th 2018.Members of the public can now book a consultation with a RIAI Registered Architect by signing up at The donation of €90 will go directly to the Simon Community of Ireland as all Architects are giving their time and expertise for free.


Monies raised through the Simon Open Door campaign will go directly to assist some of the most vulnerable people in our society, those without a place to call home.

A €90 donation could go towards:

  • Providing 9 people with a warm bed for the night.
  • 5 Counselling Sessions.
  • Providing Simon’s rough sleeper team with 4 emergency packs for those sleeping on the streets.
  • Providing a home starter pack for those who are moving to their own homes.
  • 6 weeks of art/literacy classes.


You can sign up for an appointment with Isabel Barros Architects directly here, or with other registered Architects at

Read Testimonials about the Simon Open Door.

Join Simon Open Door page in Facebook.

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